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日期:2024-09-06 08:59:10 来源:功能食品与葡萄酒学院

朱艳雯,女,食品科学与工程博士,助教。2023年毕业于沈阳农业大学获工学博士学位, 2024年7月入职沈阳药科大学功能性食品与葡萄酒学院。参与国家自然科学基金面上项目1项。以第一作者或通讯作者发表科技论文5篇,其中SCI论文4篇,累计影响因子IF=24。主讲课程《食品化学实验》、《食品分析实验》。



1.Yanwen Zhu, Ling Liu, Dehong Tan, Weijie Sun, Qin Ke, Xiqing Yue, Bing Bai*, Sdesulfurization: A different covalent modification mechanism from persulfidation by GSH. Free Radical Biology and Medicine. 2021, 167, 45-51.(IF=7.4)

2.Yanwen Zhu, Dandan Shi, Ao Chen, Yanqun Wang, Ling Liu*, Bing Bai*, Mechanism of active acetylcholinesterase inhibition by organic sulfanes in garlic: non-covalent binding andcovalent modifications. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 2023, 245,124972.(IF=8.2)

3.Yanwen Zhu, Zhaoliang Hu, Yunen Liu, Tingcai Yan, Ling Liu, Yanqun Wang, Bing Bai*, AChE activity self-breathing control mechanisms regulated by H2Snand GSH: Persulfidationand glutathionylation on sulfhydryl after disulfide bonds cleavage. International Journal ofBiological Macromolecules,2024, 259: 129117.(IF=8.2)

4.朱艳雯,刘玲,孙玮洁,颜廷才,檀德宏,张瑶,白冰*,硫化氢信号分子与L-乳酸脱氢酶蛋白相互作用机制的研究.分析化学. 2018, 45(7): 1145-1151.(IF=1.1)

5.朱艳雯,陈琭璐,刘玲,颜廷才,檀德宏,白冰*,碘铂酸盐比色法检测葱属植物中总风味硫的含量.中国食品学报. 2023, 23(9): 339-346.(EI)